EssexLiveMusic.com is a central source of information about Essex Gigs - it will grow as time goes by and get bigger and better! In Need of Members ********************** 'Sing Out Loud' Come and SING OUT LOUD for a couple of hours a week!! For further details, exact dates, costs, and to pre-book your place (essential), please call: 07853 132 633 or email info@theartsnetwork.co.uk, with your contact telephone no. |
Band Web Site List Bad Hair Day www.badhairday.org.uk Bad Hair Day www.myspace.com/badhairdayuk Junk Yard Aliens www.junkyardaliens.info Beat Roots Club www.myspace.com/beatrootsclub Terrence Ruffle http://terenceruffle.co.uk/ The River Lodge www.theriverlodge.co.uk Jazmine Ava www.jazmineava.co.uk The Mill Beach www.myspace.com/millbeach Southern Jivers (R'N'R) Club www.southernjivers.co.uk Hullbridge Sports & Social Club www.justlivemusic.co.uk Freight House Boogie - Rochford - SS4 1BU - tel 01268 457 767 www.myspace.com/freighthouseboogie Bewicks Live Music Jam Night - Swan Hotel - Maldon www.bewicksjamnight.com JS Hospice www.thejshospice.org.uk Ard Luck www.myspace.com/ardluck The Mighty Bosscats www.themightybosscats.com Capitol Square, Witham CM8 2PQ tel 01376 502 950 or 07869 234 213 www.wegottickets.com/event/63386 St Annes Castle - Gt Leighs CM3 1NE www.myspace.com/stannescastle Live Wires www.myspace.com/livewireessex swamp cats www.myspace.com/swampcats beetroots club www.myspace.com/beatrootsclub Blues at the Farm www.bluesatthefarm.co.uk Medicine www.myspace.com/medicinefolkrock www.medicinefolkrock.com Jane's Music Club www.myspace.com/janesmusicclub Mike O'Leary www.olearyrocks.com www.cdbaby.com/cd/mikeoleary The Perils www.theperils.co.uk Ease Springs www.easesprings.com Lunar Pilots www.lunarpilots.co.uk Doll Set Tones www.thedollsettones.co.uk Bizzy Band www.bizzyband.com Saint FM www.saintfm.org.uk Adrian Nation www.myspace.com/adriannationmusic The Welfare Mothers www.myspace.com/bobcollumthewelfaremother Riga Music Bar www.rigamusicbar.co.uk The Soul Detectives www.souldetectives.co.uk Blues Room at Harry Smith's Bar, in Veralum Road, St Albans, AL3 4DA www.harrysmithsbar.com/ The Gentlemen of IO www.myspace.com/thegentlemenofio JANE'S MUSIC CLUB - www.myspace.com/janesmusicclub Acoustic Soul Club - www.myspace.com/acousticsoulclub The Old School Syndicate, R'N'R Band, Dave Wood, tel 01621 828 964 mob 07860 524 416
New Crawcaddy Club - at The Belvedere - Harding Elms Road (off A127) -
Crays Hill - Billericay - CM11 2UH -